The GSI, as partner and Work Package 7 Minerals leader of EMODnet Geology Phase II, are compiling information on Polymetallic sulphides PMS. EMODnet partners are submitting mapped PMS locations and existing information, here you can view data collated thus far. The PMS information presented here are of mapped PMS locations. Also known as Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS), Seafloor Massive Sulfides (SMS) and Black Smokers, PMS are base metal sulfur-rich mineral deposits. They occur along the earth's major tectonic belts at spreading centres, as well as in intraplate regions where islands and seamounts are formed.
Access metadata from landing page
## [1] "West-Longitude: -21.8"
## [1] "South-Latitude: 24.6"
## [1] "East-Longitude: -6.1"
## [1] "North-Latitude: 33.9"
The Web Feature Service (WFS) of the EMODnet Geology portal allows collecting the data:
Available labels:
## [1] "FID" "code" "deposit_ty" "setting" "prim_min"
## [6] "all_other" "econ_feas" "scale" "units" "status"
## [11] "operator" "area_name" "area_no" "data_provi" "data_cont"
## [16] "area_km2" "depth_to_d" "references" "comments" "geom"
Download data for the defined geographical extent:
Excel file | Geographic information |
csv | geojson |
Browse table’s columns by using the left and right arrows. Turn the table’s pages with help of the previous/next buttons.