1 Data information

Submarine mud-volcanoes and fluid emissions of non volcanic origin, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Note: Project is ongoing and the work is in progress; blank areas do not necessarily correspond to no occurrence.

1.1 Metadata

Access metadata from landing page

2 Geographical extent

2.1 Coordinates

## [1] "West-Longitude: -6.48"
## [1] "South-Latitude: 34.55"
## [1] "East-Longitude: -2.55"
## [1] "North-Latitude: 37.65"

2.2 Defined area

Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

3 Submarine Fluid Emissions Points (250k)

3.1 Access data

The Web Feature Service (WFS) of the EMODnet Geology portal allows collecting the data:

Available labels:

##  [1] "FID"        "id"         "mfe_pt"     "Type"       "name"      
##  [6] "region"     "activity_a" "activity_t" "morpho_t"   "compositio"
## [11] "references" "comment"    "geom"       "rgb"

Download data for the defined geographical extent:

Excel file Geographic information
csv geojson

3.2 Map

3.3 Table

Browse table’s columns by using the left and right arrows. Turn the table’s pages with help of the previous/next buttons.

3.4 Map with id

3.5 Interactive map

Visualise and access data with Openlayer (click on the map)