1 Data information

EMODnet Physics is integrating more than 400 European operational tide gauge stations (EuroGOOS - CMEMS INSTAC), the 290 Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) core network, and the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL), EMODnet Physics is offering one of the widest in situ data collections for sea-level data

1.1 Metadata

Access metadata from landing page

3 Platforms collecting SLEV

3.1 Access data

The Web Feature Service (WFS) of the EMODnet Physics portal allows collecting the data:

Available labels:

##  [1] "FID"                  "fid"                  "position"            
##  [4] "PlatformID"           "MapPlatformID"        "ProjectsDescr"       
##  [7] "PlatformCode"         "WMOCode"              "SeaRegionCode"       
## [10] "SeaRegionDescr"       "ParametersGroupCode"  "ParametersGroupDescr"
## [13] "ParametersCodeDescr"  "DataTypeDescr"        "LastDataMeasured"    
## [16] "Country"              "DataOwner"            "DataProvider"        
## [19] "LogoURL"              "PlatformTypeCode"     "PlatformInfoLink"    
## [22] "ColorFeatures"        "ProjectsCode"

Download data for the defined geographical extent:

Excel file Geographic information
csv geojson

3.2 Table

Browse table’s columns by using the left and right arrows. Turn the table’s pages with help of the previous/next buttons.

3.3 Map

3.4 Map with id

3.5 Interactive map

Visualise and access data with Openlayer (click on the map)

4 Measurements

4.1 Seven last days

## [1] 367003

## [1] 368082
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 12309
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 366247
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 370096
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 13233
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 638731
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 369459
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 8835
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 368638
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 365001
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 365011
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 369945
## ERROR: No accessible data
## [1] 369474
## ERROR: No accessible data

4.2 Compilation of measurements

4.3 Data access

7 days recording 60 days recording Platform owner
367003 367003 Shom - France

4.4 Platform dashboards

Plaform ID Platform owner
367003 Shom - France
368082 Shom - France
12309 Not Defined
366247 Shom - France
370096 Shom - France
13233 Not Defined
638731 Shom - France
369459 Shom - France
8835 Shom - France
368638 Shom - France
365001 Not Defined
365011 Not Defined
369945 Shom - France
369474 Shom - France