1 Data information

The geodatabase on offshore installations in the EU was created in 2015 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is modelled on OSPAR's dataset on offshore installations, having the same fields and attributes. OSPAR monitors the development of offshore installations and maintains an updated inventory of all oil and gas offshore installations in the OSPAR maritime area, the OSPAR Oil and Gas Offshore inventory. The database includes the name and ID number, location, operator, water depth, production start, current status, category and function of the installation. At present more than 1500 offshore installations are operational in the OSPAR maritime area, most of them sub-sea steel installations and fixed steel installations. Contracting Parties with oil and gas industry offshore installations are: Denmark, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom.In addition, data on Italian offshore installations have been collected and harmonized from the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, from Marine Traffic and Helcom data on Polish and Russian installations in the Baltic Sea, from Marine Traffic data on Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian installations in the Black Sea, Lybian and Spanish installations in the Mediterranean Sea, from the Croatian Hydrocarbon Agency data on Croatian installations in the Adriatic Sea.

1.1 Metadata

Access metadata from dataset’s landing page

2 Geographical extent

2.1 Coordinates

## [1] "West-Longitude: 11.85"
## [1] "South-Latitude: 36.2"
## [1] "East-Longitude: 16.04"
## [1] "North-Latitude: 37.59"

2.2 Defined area

Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

3 Offshore Installations

3.1 Access data

The Web Feature Service (WFS) of the EMODnet Human activities portal allows collecting the data:

Available labels:

##  [1] "FID"                "country"            "platformid"        
##  [4] "current_status"     "name"               "category"          
##  [7] "function."          "operator"           "location_blocks"   
## [10] "primary_production" "weight_sub"         "weight_top"        
## [13] "production_start"   "valid_to"           "water_depth"       
## [16] "coast_dist"         "remarks"            "the_geom"          
## [19] "y"                  "x"

Download data for the defined geographical extent:

Excel file Geographic information
csv geojson

3.2 Table

Browse table’s columns by using the left and right arrows. Turn the table’s pages with help of the previous/next buttons.

3.3 Map

3.4 Map with id

3.5 Interactive map

Visualise and access data with Openlayer

4 Open-notebook

Access MyBinder.org/Marine-Analyst virtual environment.
More info at Marine-Analyst.eu

This document produced by Marine-analyst.eu is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0