1 Data information

The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission - HELCOM) is an intergovernmental organization governing the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki Convention). A regional sea convention and a platform for environmental policy making at the regional level, HELCOM works for the protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea. HELCOM consists of ten members - the nine Baltic Sea countries Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden, plus the European Union.

The Helsinki Convention was signed in 1974 by the Baltic Sea coastal countries to address the increasing environmental challenges from industrialisation and other human activities, and that were having a severe impact on the marine environment. The Helsinki Convention includes the protection of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution from land, air and sea. It also commits the signatories to take measures to conserve habitats and biological diversity and to ensure the sustainable use of marine resources. The Helsinki Convention was updated in 1992 to take into account the geopolitical changes and emerging environmental challenges in the region. The current version was ratified in 2000.

Contracting parties of HELCOM are:
    Denmark, Estonia, European Union, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden.

The HELCOM Secretariat is located in Helsinki, Finland. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HELCOM

2 Geographical extent

2.1 Coordinates

## [1] "West-Longitude: 17.74"

## [1] "South-Latitude: 58.94"

## [1] "East-Longitude: 21.32"

## [1] "North-Latitude: 60.78"

3 Available data for the defined area

3.1 Interactive map

3.2 Dataset list

Available information for the defined area
Agricultural load of Nitrogen
Agricultural load of Phosphorus
Availability of data on municipal input of Cadmium
Availability of data on municipal input of Lead
Availability of data on municipal input of Mercury
Background load of Nitrogen
Background load of Phosphorus
Bathing sites
Bridges and other constructions
Changes to hydrological conditions
Data coverage of Cadmium
Data coverage of Lead
Data coverage of Mercury
Deposit of dredged material sites points 2011-2016
Diffuse load of Nitrogen
Diffuse load of Phosphorus
Direct Nitrogen load from Industry
Direct Phosphorus load from Industry
Direct municipal nitrogen load
Direct municipal phosphorus load
Direct nitrogen load from aquaculture
Direct phosphorus load from aquaculture
Discharge of warm water from nuclear power plants
Discharges of radioactive substances from NPPs
Disturbance of species due to human presence
Dredging areas 2011-2016
Dredging points 2011-2016
Extraction of mammals - Seal hunting
Extraction of seabirds - Bird hunting
Finfish mariculture
Fish extraction commercial fisheries - cod
Fish extraction commercial fisheries - herring
Fish extraction commercial fisheries - sprat
Fossil fuel energy production
Game hunting of seabirds
HELCOM hotspots
Hunting of seals - Grey seal
Hunting of seals - Harbour seal
Hydropower dams
Illegal oil discharges
Input of continuous anthropogenic sound
Input of hazardous substances
Input of heat
Input of impulsive anthropogenic sound
Introduction of non-indigenous species and translocations
Introduction of radionuclides
Land claim
Mines sunk in the World War II - Risk areas
Municipal Cadmium load
Municipal Lead load
Municipal Mercury load
Oil slicks and spills
Physical disturbance
Physical loss
Polluting ship accidents
Potential cumulative impacts on benthic habitats
Recreational fishing
Relative distribution of nutrient concentration - Total Nitrogen
Relative distribution of nutrient concentration - Total Phosphorus
Retention of Nitrogen in percent
Retention of Phosphorus in percent
Shipping density 2011-2015
Specific load of Nitrogen
Specific load of Phosphorus
Top 40 rivers by annual total nitrogen loads
Top 40 rivers by annual total phosphorus loads
Urban land use

3.3 Datasets without information

List of datasets providing no information for the defined area
Areas where sea dumped chemical warfare materials have been encountered
Availability of data on industrial input of Cadmium
Availability of data on industrial input of Lead
Availability of data on industrial input of Mercury
BALTHAZAR Farms screening results N
BALTHAZAR Farms screening results P
BALTHAZAR Landfills screening results
BASE data collection N concentrations
Chemical munition transport routes to dumpsites
Chemical weapons dumpsites in the Baltic Sea
Emergency relocation areas for netted sea dumped chemical warfare material
Extraction of sand and gravel
Furcellaria harvesting
Industrial Cadmium load
Industrial Lead load
Industrial Mercury load
Oil and Gas Refineries
Oil platforms
Oil terminals
Shellfish mariculture areas
Shellfish mariculture points
Suspected en route dumping areas
Top 40 rivers with highest nitrogen concentrations
Top 40 rivers with highest phosphorus concentrations
Watercourse modification
Wind farms

4 Open-notebook

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