• 1 Data information
    • 1.1 Metadata
  • 2 Geographical extent
    • 2.1 Coordinates
    • 2.2 Defined area
  • 3 Secchi depth of sea water
    • 3.1 On the 2021-10-10
    • 3.2 Depth profiling
    • 3.3 Past 6 days
    • 3.4 Time series
  • 4 Open-notebook

1 Data information

For the Global Ocean Satellite Observations’, ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing Chlorophyll-a and Optics products - present based on the Copernicus-GlobColour processor.

Chlorophyll and Bio products refer to Chlorophyll-a, Primary Production (PP) and Phytoplankton Functional types (PFT). Products are based on a multi sensors/algorithms approach to provide to end-users the best estimate. Two dailies Chlorophyll-a products are distributed:
- one limited to the daily observations (called L3),
- the other based on a space-time interpolation: the “Cloud Free” (called L4).

Optics products refer to Reflectance (RRS), Suspended Matter (SPM), Particulate Backscattering (BBP), Secchi Transparency Depth (ZSD), Diffuse Attenuation (KD490) and Absorption Coef. (ADG/CDM).

The spatial resolution is 4 km. For Chlorophyll, a 1 km over the Atlantic (46W-13E , 20N-66N) is also available for the Cloud Free product, plus a 300m Global coastal product (OLCI S3A & S3B merged). Products (Daily, Monthly and Climatology) are based on the merging of the sensors SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP&JPSS1, OLCI-S3A&S3B. For OLCI-S3A, products are also delivered as a single sensor. Recent products are organized in datasets called NRT (Near Real Time) and long time-series in datasets called REP/MY (Multi-Years). The NRT products are provided one day after satellite acquisition and updated a few days after in Delayed Time (DT) to provide a better quality. An uncertainty is given at pixel level for all products.

1.1 Metadata

Access metadata from dataset’s landing page

3 Secchi depth of sea water

3.1 On the 2021-10-10

Click on image to visualise and access data

Data source: https://marine.copernicus.eu - id: 009_083

## [1] "Mean value"
## [1] "On the:  2021-10-10 26.176 (m)"

3.2 Depth profiling

## [1] "no data available"

Data source: https://marine.copernicus.eu - id: 009_083

3.3 Past 6 days

Data source: https://marine.copernicus.eu - id: 009_083

3.4 Time series

3.4.1 Retrospective

Data source: https://marine.copernicus.eu - id: 009_083

3.4.2 Archive

Data source: https://marine.copernicus.eu - id: 009_083


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## [1] "Mean values"
## [1] "From  2019-07-01  to  2020-07-01 :  NaN (m)"
## [1] "From  2020-07-01  to  2021-07-01 :  17.18 (m)"

4 Open-notebook

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