Wind Farms (Points) |
09/09/2024 |
Microalgae production facilities |
05/09/2024 |
Monthly volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
02/08/2024 |
Monthly volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to particles (Bbp443) |
02/08/2024 |
Spirulina production facilities |
02/08/2024 |
Monthly mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
01/08/2024 |
Desalination plants in the EU |
31/07/2024 |
Desalination plants in the EU |
31/07/2024 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
30/07/2024 |
Dumped Munitions (Polygons) |
22/06/2024 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
05/06/2024 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
05/06/2024 |
Desalination plants in the EU |
03/06/2024 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
28/02/2024 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
28/02/2024 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
28/02/2024 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
28/02/2024 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
24/02/2024 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
24/02/2024 |
Vessel density (Tanker) |
29/01/2024 |
Vessel density (Pleasure Craft) |
09/01/2024 |
SIGCables Submarine Cables Routes |
06/01/2024 |
State of Bathing Waters |
06/01/2024 |
Finfish Production |
06/01/2024 |
First Sales of Fish |
06/01/2024 |
Offshore hydrocarbon extraction boreholes in the EU |
06/01/2024 |
Lighthouses |
06/01/2024 |
Macroalgae (seaweeds) |
06/01/2024 |
Microalgae production facilities |
06/01/2024 |
Dumped Munitions (Points) |
06/01/2024 |
Nuclear Power Plants in the EU |
06/01/2024 |
Ocean Energy in the EU - Project Locations |
06/01/2024 |
Offshore Installations in the EU |
06/01/2024 |
Main Ports (Goods Traffic) |
06/01/2024 |
Main Ports (Locations Only) |
06/01/2024 |
Main Ports (Passengers Traffic) |
06/01/2024 |
Main Ports (Vessels Traffic) |
06/01/2024 |
Treatment Plants |
06/01/2024 |
Waste at Ports (Locations Only) |
06/01/2024 |
Dredge Spoil Dumping (Points) |
06/01/2024 |
Dredging sites in the EU |
06/01/2024 |
Wind Farms (Points) |
06/01/2024 |
Desalination plants in the EU |
05/01/2024 |
Military areas (points) |
05/01/2024 |
Spirulina production facilities |
05/01/2024 |
Coastal discharge points from Urban Waste Water Treatment Plant |
05/01/2024 |
Aggregate extraction sites in the EU |
05/01/2024 |
Shellfish aquaculture sites in the EU |
05/01/2024 |
European fishing intensity (static gears) |
05/01/2024 |
European fishing intensity (pelagic) |
05/01/2024 |
European fishing intensity (dredges) |
05/01/2024 |
European fishing intensity (bottom seines) |
05/01/2024 |
European fishing intensity (bottom otter trawls) |
05/01/2024 |
European fishing intensity (beam trawls) |
05/01/2024 |
Vessel density (Service) |
04/01/2024 |
Vessel density (Sailing) |
29/12/2023 |
Vessel density (Pleasure Craft) |
28/12/2023 |
Vessel density (Passenger) |
27/12/2023 |
Vessel density (Military and Law Enforcement) |
26/12/2023 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
26/12/2023 |
Vessel density (High Speed Craft) |
25/12/2023 |
Vessel density (Dredging or Underwater ops) |
25/12/2023 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
23/12/2023 |
Vessel density (Cargo) |
27/11/2023 |
Vessel density (Cargo) |
18/11/2023 |
Vessel density (Dredging or Underwater ops) |
18/11/2023 |
Vessel density (Cargo) |
18/11/2023 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
11/11/2023 |
Macroalgae (seaweeds) |
25/09/2023 |
Monthly wind speed |
17/09/2023 |
Lighthouses |
24/08/2023 |
Vessel density (Cargo) |
08/08/2023 |
SIGCables Submarine Cables Routes |
03/08/2023 |
MPA wdpa id: 478077 Terrain model |
16/07/2023 |
Finfish Production |
06/07/2023 |
Microalgae production facilities |
17/06/2023 |
Microalgae production facilities |
17/06/2023 |
Monthly wind speed |
11/06/2023 |
Telecommunication cables in the EU (schematic routes) |
15/05/2023 |
Telecommunication cables in the EU (schematic routes) |
12/05/2023 |
Telecommunication cables in the EU (schematic routes) |
12/05/2023 |
European fishing intensity (beam trawls) |
02/05/2023 |
Wind Farms (Polygons) |
28/04/2023 |
Main Ports (Goods Traffic) |
12/04/2023 |
Shellfish aquaculture sites in the EU |
11/04/2023 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
31/03/2023 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
21/03/2023 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
20/03/2023 |
Vessel density (Cargo) |
13/03/2023 |
Vessel density (Cargo) |
13/03/2023 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
12/03/2023 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
11/03/2023 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
11/03/2023 |
Monthly wind speed |
06/03/2023 |
Monthly wind speed |
06/03/2023 |
Monthly wind speed |
06/03/2023 |
Monthly wind speed |
06/03/2023 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
06/03/2023 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
06/03/2023 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
25/02/2023 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
24/02/2023 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
24/02/2023 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
24/02/2023 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
24/02/2023 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
21/02/2023 |
MPA wdpa id: 2520 SST Time series |
15/02/2023 |
SIGCables Submarine Cables Routes |
12/02/2023 |
MPA wdpa id: 13191 Terrain model |
01/02/2023 |
MPA wdpa id: 13190 Chl-a Time series |
01/02/2023 |
Vessel density (All) |
18/01/2023 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
21/12/2022 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
21/12/2022 |
Vessel density (All) |
11/12/2022 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
18/11/2022 |
Vessel density (Cargo) |
17/11/2022 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
17/11/2022 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
17/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
16/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
16/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
16/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
16/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
16/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
15/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
15/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
15/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
14/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
14/11/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
14/11/2022 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
11/11/2022 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
11/11/2022 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
11/11/2022 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
04/11/2022 |
Monthly wind speed |
03/11/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 1666 Chl-a Time series |
20/10/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526140 Monthly Obs: 2022-01 |
09/10/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526140 Monthly Obs: 2022-01 |
09/10/2022 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
08/10/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Vessel traffic |
08/10/2022 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
07/10/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Vessel traffic |
04/10/2022 |
State of Bathing Waters |
04/10/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave mean period forecast from variance spectral density inverse frequency moment |
03/10/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556925 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555556925 |
26/09/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526886 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555526886 |
26/09/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555597299 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555597299 |
26/09/2022 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
26/09/2022 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
26/09/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555597299 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555597299 |
24/09/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555597299 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555597299 |
24/09/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555597299 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555597299 |
24/09/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555597299 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555597299 |
24/09/2022 |
ARGO buoys |
22/09/2022 |
ARGO buoys |
21/09/2022 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
31/08/2022 |
European fishing intensity (pelagic) |
16/08/2022 |
Ocean Energy in the EU - Project Locations |
12/08/2022 |
European fishing intensity (pelagic) |
12/08/2022 |
Beach Litter - Median total number of litter items per 100m |
10/08/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
20/07/2022 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
20/07/2022 |
Human activities in EU |
20/07/2022 |
Human activities in EU |
20/07/2022 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
19/07/2022 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
19/07/2022 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
13/07/2022 |
SIGCables Submarine Cables Routes |
07/07/2022 |
Human activities in EU |
07/07/2022 |
Wind Farms (Points) |
07/07/2022 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
07/07/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555623539 Monthly Obs: 2021-07 |
06/07/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555623539 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555623539 |
06/07/2022 |
Human activities in EU |
06/07/2022 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
05/07/2022 |
Human activities in EU |
04/07/2022 |
Baltic sea - HELCOM [ Human activities] |
04/07/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
30/06/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
30/06/2022 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
30/06/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
30/06/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
30/06/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
30/06/2022 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
30/06/2022 |
Microalgae production facilities |
27/06/2022 |
Monthly volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
21/06/2022 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
17/06/2022 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
15/06/2022 |
Daily wind speed |
01/06/2022 |
Daily wind speed |
30/05/2022 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
24/05/2022 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
24/05/2022 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
23/05/2022 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
23/05/2022 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
23/05/2022 |
Ocean Energy in the EU - Project Locations |
21/05/2022 |
Offshore Installations in the EU |
21/05/2022 |
Main Ports (Goods Traffic) |
21/05/2022 |
Main Ports (Passengers Traffic) |
21/05/2022 |
Main Ports (Vessels Traffic) |
21/05/2022 |
Treatment Plants |
21/05/2022 |
Waste at Ports (Locations Only) |
21/05/2022 |
Waste at Ports (m3) |
21/05/2022 |
Waste at Ports (tonnes) |
21/05/2022 |
Wind Farms (Points) |
21/05/2022 |
Dredging sites in the EU |
21/05/2022 |
Dredge Spoil Dumping (Points) |
21/05/2022 |
Aggregate extraction sites in the EU |
21/05/2022 |
Coastal discharge points from Urban Waste Water Treatment Plant |
21/05/2022 |
Spirulina production facilities |
21/05/2022 |
Military areas (points) |
21/05/2022 |
Desalination plants in the EU |
21/05/2022 |
Nuclear Power Plants in the EU |
21/05/2022 |
Dumped Munitions (Points) |
21/05/2022 |
Monthly mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
20/05/2022 |
Macroalgae (seaweeds) |
19/05/2022 |
Microalgae production facilities |
19/05/2022 |
Lighthouses |
19/05/2022 |
Boreholes |
17/05/2022 |
Freshwater Production |
17/05/2022 |
Daily wind speed |
16/05/2022 |
Vessel density (Cargo) |
13/05/2022 |
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) |
12/05/2022 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
04/05/2022 |
State of Bathing Waters |
04/05/2022 |
First Sales of Fish |
04/05/2022 |
Finfish Production |
03/05/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/05/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/05/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
29/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
29/04/2022 |
Shellfish aquaculture sites in the EU |
27/04/2022 |
European fishing intensity (static gears) |
20/04/2022 |
European fishing intensity (pelagic) |
20/04/2022 |
European fishing intensity (dredges) |
20/04/2022 |
European fishing intensity (bottom seines) |
20/04/2022 |
European fishing intensity (bottom otter trawls) |
20/04/2022 |
European fishing intensity (beam trawls) |
20/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface secondary swell wave forecast from direction |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface secondary swell wave significant height forecast |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave forecast from direction |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave significant height forecast |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wind wave forecast from direction |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wind wave mean period forecast |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave stokes drift y velocity forecast |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wind wave significant height forecast |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave stokes drift x velocity forecast |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave forecast from direction at variance spectral density maximum |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave from direction forecast |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave period forecast at variance spectral density maximum |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave mean period forecast from variance spectral density second frequency moment |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave mean period forecast from variance spectral density inverse frequency moment |
17/04/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height forecast |
17/04/2022 |
SIGCables Submarine Cables Routes |
17/04/2022 |
Ocean Energy - Test Sites |
05/04/2022 |
Desalination plants in the EU |
02/04/2022 |
Daily sea water velocity forecast |
30/03/2022 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
30/03/2022 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
30/03/2022 |
Daily sea water salinity forecast |
30/03/2022 |
Daily sea surface height above geoid forecast |
30/03/2022 |
Daily sea water potential temperature forecast at sea floor |
30/03/2022 |
Daily density ocean mixed layer thickness forecast |
30/03/2022 |
Daily eastward sea water velocity forecast |
30/03/2022 |
Daily northward sea water velocity forecast |
30/03/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525850 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555525850 |
29/03/2022 |
MSFD id: ABI-FR-MS-GDG-ZL12M Chl-a Time series |
24/03/2022 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
24/03/2022 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
23/03/2022 |
Daily sea water potential temperature forecast |
23/03/2022 |
Daily sea water potential temperature forecast |
23/03/2022 |
Daily sea ice velocity forecast |
22/03/2022 |
Daily sea ice thickness forecast |
22/03/2022 |
Daily sea ice area fraction forecast |
22/03/2022 |
Microalgae production facilities |
22/03/2022 |
Vessel density (Military and Law Enforcement) |
16/03/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525849 Chl-a Time series |
11/03/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525849 Terrain model |
11/03/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525849 SST Time series |
11/03/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539270 Monthly Obs: 2022-01 |
11/03/2022 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525849 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555525849 |
11/03/2022 |
MSFD id: ANS-SE-AA-B_Kattegatt Chl-a Time series |
10/03/2022 |
MSFD id: ANS-SE-AA-B_Oresund Chl-a Time series |
10/03/2022 |
Vessel activities seen by AIS |
08/03/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
07/03/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
07/03/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
07/03/2022 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
07/03/2022 |
Seabed litter - Plastic bags density (Nb. Items/km2) |
07/03/2022 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
07/03/2022 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
07/03/2022 |
Beach Litter - Median total number of litter items per 100m |
07/03/2022 |
Seabed litter - Plastic bags density (Nb. Items/km2) |
07/03/2022 |
Monthly mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
03/03/2022 |
Baltic sea - HELCOM [ Shipping] |
01/03/2022 |
Baltic sea - HELCOM [ Pressures] |
01/03/2022 |
Baltic sea - HELCOM [ Monitoring] |
01/03/2022 |
Baltic sea - HELCOM [ Indicators] |
01/03/2022 |
Baltic sea - HELCOM [ Human activities] |
01/03/2022 |
Baltic sea - HELCOM [ Habitats] |
01/03/2022 |
Baltic sea - HELCOM [ Environmental status] |
01/03/2022 |
Baltic sea - HELCOM [ Biodiversity] |
01/03/2022 |
Baltic sea - HELCOM [ Backgrounds] |
01/03/2022 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
24/02/2022 |
Benzo a pyrene: stations above/below LOD/LOQ |
23/02/2022 |
Benzo a pyrene: stations above LOD/LOQ |
23/02/2022 |
Benzo a pyrene: LOD/LOQ values in biota not compliant to EQSD |
22/02/2022 |
Anthracene: water stations |
22/02/2022 |
Anthracene: sediment stations |
22/02/2022 |
Anthracene: biota stations |
22/02/2022 |
Anthracene: stations below LOQ/LOD |
21/02/2022 |
Anthracene: stations above/below LOQ/LOD |
21/02/2022 |
Anthracene: stations above LOQ/LOD |
21/02/2022 |
Daily sea water velocity forecast |
20/02/2022 |
Anthracene: stations above LOQ/LOD |
20/02/2022 |
Tributyltin: water stations |
20/02/2022 |
Daily eastward sea water velocity forecast |
19/02/2022 |
Daily eastward sea water velocity forecast |
19/02/2022 |
Daily eastward sea water velocity forecast |
19/02/2022 |
Daily eastward sea water velocity forecast |
19/02/2022 |
Main Ports (Vessels Traffic) |
16/02/2022 |
Main Ports (Vessels Traffic) |
16/02/2022 |
Beach Litter - Composition of litter according to material categories in percent - Official monitoring |
14/02/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
10/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
10/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
10/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
10/01/2022 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
09/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
06/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
06/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
05/01/2022 |
Vessel density (Tanker) |
05/01/2022 |
Vessel density (Tanker) |
05/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
03/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
03/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
02/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/01/2022 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
31/12/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
31/12/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
31/12/2021 |
Arctic - Relative humidity |
30/12/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Chl-a Time series |
29/12/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
29/12/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557219 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555557219 |
21/12/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Total abundance items per 100m |
21/12/2021 |
Natura 2000 |
21/12/2021 |
MSFD id: BLK_RO_RG_TT03 Chl-a Time series |
14/12/2021 |
Human activities in EU |
12/12/2021 |
Human activities in EU |
12/12/2021 |
Human activities in EU |
09/12/2021 |
Daily volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
27/11/2021 |
Coastal migration via satellite data |
22/11/2021 |
Coastal migration from field data |
22/11/2021 |
Coastal migration from field data |
22/11/2021 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
19/11/2021 |
River Runoff Trends - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation - based on GRDC DB |
18/11/2021 |
River Runoff Trends - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation - based on GRDC DB |
17/11/2021 |
Natura 2000 |
16/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 142914 Chl-a Time series |
15/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 142914 SST Time series |
15/11/2021 |
Tsunamis Affected Coast Points (250k) |
14/11/2021 |
Military Areas (Polygons) |
13/11/2021 |
Military Areas (Polygons) |
12/11/2021 |
Vessel density (All) |
12/11/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level (SLEV) |
11/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557231 Vessel traffic |
09/11/2021 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
09/11/2021 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
08/11/2021 |
Submarine Volcanoes Polygons (250k) |
06/11/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
05/11/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
05/11/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
05/11/2021 |
Daily sea water velocity forecast |
05/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539291 SST Time series |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557212 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557153 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557135 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557125 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557123 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557122 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
Daily sea water velocity forecast |
04/11/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557118 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557082 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555544130 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557062 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557033 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555544124 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557009 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555544126 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556956 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556926 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556931 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556922 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556920 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556918 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556909 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556923 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539251 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
Monthly volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter and non algal particles (Cdm443) |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556925 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556925 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525933 Vessel traffic |
04/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525932 Vessel traffic |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539291 Vessel traffic |
03/11/2021 |
Monthly volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557129 Vessel traffic |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593032 Vessel traffic |
03/11/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of suspended matter in sea water |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557212 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557153 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557135 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557141 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557129 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557125 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557123 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557122 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557118 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557082 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555544130 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557062 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557033 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555544124 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557009 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555544126 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556956 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556931 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556926 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556922 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556920 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556918 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556909 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556923 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
Daily volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539251 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of suspended matter in sea water |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556925 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525933 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525932 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539291 Terrain model |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691642 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583045 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583065 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583044 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555624864 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583019 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583058 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691640 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691661 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557121 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555622031 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555622030 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583057 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555624873 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555624863 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583050 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583056 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691639 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691659 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583028 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555624876 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555624860 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555624875 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691638 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583037 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555637379 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555624866 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691635 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555622027 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555622026 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555637378 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555622025 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691656 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593952 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583054 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583011 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555622024 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691655 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583049 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583034 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583053 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555622023 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555637376 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583027 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583052 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691633 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555559198 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555637374 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583033 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555622019 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555622020 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583032 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583051 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691671 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555624871 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555583007 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555622018 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691650 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691648 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555624862 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555691646 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557210 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557140 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557096 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557045 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557044 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557005 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556936 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543213 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543215 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543214 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543210 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543231 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543225 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543211 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543223 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543222 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543228 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543216 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555623689 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 396164 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 396160 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 396163 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 396162 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 396161 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543169 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543192 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543188 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557177 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543190 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543165 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557059 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557053 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543191 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543185 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543196 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543186 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543184 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557012 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543187 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556997 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543168 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543189 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543193 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543250 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556939 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543202 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555703194 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543200 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555623684 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555703193 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543199 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555623685 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543254 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543179 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543173 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543174 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543177 SST Time series |
03/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555543178 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557207 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557193 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557181 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557152 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557161 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557149 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557148 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557100 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557071 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557070 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557056 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557055 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557047 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557019 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557011 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556991 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556916 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556910 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557194 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557146 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557145 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557099 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556937 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557221 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557220 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557101 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557049 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557231 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557219 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557212 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557153 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557135 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557141 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557129 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557125 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557123 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557122 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557118 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557082 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555544130 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557062 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557033 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555544124 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557009 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555544126 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556956 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556931 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556926 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556922 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556920 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556918 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556909 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556923 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539251 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556925 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525933 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525932 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539291 SST Time series |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593032 Terrain model |
02/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557129 Terrain model |
01/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557129 Terrain model |
01/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593032 Vessel traffic |
01/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557129 Vessel traffic |
01/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557129 SST Time series |
01/11/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593032 SST Time series |
31/10/2021 |
European Impulsive Noise Events Registry |
26/10/2021 |
Monthly volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
26/10/2021 |
MSFD id: ABI-FR-MS-GDG-ZC12M Chl-a Time series |
21/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave significant height forecast |
20/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
15/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
15/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
15/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave significant height forecast |
14/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
14/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
14/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
13/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
13/10/2021 |
Daily sea water velocity forecast |
12/10/2021 |
Daily mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
12/10/2021 |
Monthly volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to particles (Bbp443) |
12/10/2021 |
Monthly primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon |
12/10/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of suspended matter in sea water |
12/10/2021 |
Daily secchi depth of sea water |
12/10/2021 |
Daily volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
12/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
11/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
10/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
10/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
10/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
10/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
09/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
09/10/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555523700 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555523700 |
08/10/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 348792 Chl-a Time series |
08/10/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555523700 Terrain model |
08/10/2021 |
Daily volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
08/10/2021 |
Daily volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
08/10/2021 |
Daily mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
08/10/2021 |
Daily secchi depth of sea water |
08/10/2021 |
MSFD id: MWE-ES-SD-LEV Chl-a Time series |
08/10/2021 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
08/10/2021 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
08/10/2021 |
Vessel density (All) |
08/10/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
08/10/2021 |
Daily secchi depth of sea water |
08/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
06/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
06/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
04/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
04/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
04/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
04/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
04/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave significant height forecast |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave significant height forecast |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave significant height forecast |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
03/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height forecast |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave significant height forecast |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/10/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/10/2021 |
Daily mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
30/09/2021 |
Daily mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
30/09/2021 |
DDT: biota stations |
30/09/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
29/09/2021 |
Wind Farms (Polygons) |
24/09/2021 |
HF Radars - Coordinates |
24/09/2021 |
Beach Litter - Composition of litter according to material categories in percent - Official monitoring |
23/09/2021 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
22/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593032 SST Time series |
19/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526140 Vessel traffic |
12/09/2021 |
Coastal migration via satellite data |
12/09/2021 |
Coastal migration from field data |
12/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593032 Chl-a Time series |
12/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593032 SST Time series |
12/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593032 Terrain model |
12/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593032 Monthly Obs: 2020-09 |
12/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593032 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555593032 |
12/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 196166 Terrain model |
11/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643633 Vessel traffic |
11/09/2021 |
Wind Farms (Points) |
10/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 345950 Monthly Obs: 2021-01 |
07/09/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 345950 Monthly Obs: 2021-01 |
07/09/2021 |
Vessel density (All) |
02/09/2021 |
Wind Farms (Points) |
30/08/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 309888 Chl-a Time series |
24/08/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 309888 SST Time series |
24/08/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 309888 Monthly Obs: 2021-01 |
24/08/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 309888 Terrain model |
24/08/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 309888 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 309888 |
24/08/2021 |
Beach Litter - Composition of litter according to material categories in percent - Official monitoring |
19/08/2021 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
13/08/2021 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Fishing related items per 100m |
13/08/2021 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
13/08/2021 |
Beach Litter - Median total number of litter items per 100m |
13/08/2021 |
Seabed litter - Density (Nb. Items/km2) |
01/08/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 106722 SST Time series |
31/07/2021 |
Military Areas (Polygons) |
31/07/2021 |
Seabed Litter - Material categories percentage per year |
30/07/2021 |
Military Areas (Polygons) |
29/07/2021 |
Military Areas (Points) |
29/07/2021 |
Essential Ocean Variables - Seagrass Cover |
28/07/2021 |
Telecommunication Cables (schematic routes) |
28/07/2021 |
Seabed substrate (multiscale) |
26/07/2021 |
Vessel density (All) |
26/07/2021 |
Main Ports (Vessels Traffic) |
26/07/2021 |
Sea-floor Pre-quaternary Faults |
26/07/2021 |
Seabed litter - Fishing related items density (Nb. Items/km2) |
26/07/2021 |
Seabed litter - Fishing related items density (Nb. Items/km2) |
26/07/2021 |
Seabed litter - Fishing related items density (Nb. Items/km2) |
26/07/2021 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
26/07/2021 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
26/07/2021 |
Wind Farms (Polygons) |
22/07/2021 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
19/07/2021 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
18/07/2021 |
Beach Litter - Median number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
18/07/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539392 Vessel traffic |
09/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
08/07/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539547 Vessel traffic |
08/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
08/07/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555593019 Vessel traffic |
08/07/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556923 Vessel traffic |
08/07/2021 |
Vessel activities (AIS) |
08/07/2021 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
07/07/2021 |
Essential Ocean Variables - Seagrass Cover |
07/07/2021 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
07/07/2021 |
Benzo a pyrene: stations above LOD/LOQ |
05/07/2021 |
Benzo a pyrene: LOD/LOQ values in biota not compliant to EQSD |
04/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
02/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
02/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
02/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
02/07/2021 |
Vessel density (All) |
02/07/2021 |
Benzo a pyrene: LOD/LOQ values in biota not compliant to EQSD |
02/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
01/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
01/07/2021 |
Vessel density (All) |
01/07/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
30/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
30/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
30/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
30/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
30/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
30/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
30/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
30/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
30/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
30/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
30/06/2021 |
Anthracene: water stations |
29/06/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525848 Terrain model |
29/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface secondary swell wave forecast from direction |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface secondary swell wave forecast from direction |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave forecast from direction |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave forecast from direction |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave forecast from direction |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave forecast from direction |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
28/06/2021 |
Anthracene: water stations |
28/06/2021 |
Anthracene: sediment stations |
28/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface secondary swell wave mean period forecast |
27/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface secondary swell wave mean period forecast |
27/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface secondary swell wave mean period forecast |
27/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
27/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
27/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface primary swell wave mean period forecast |
27/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave period forecast at variance spectral density maximum |
27/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave period forecast at variance spectral density maximum |
27/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave period forecast at variance spectral density maximum |
27/06/2021 |
Anthracene: biota stations |
25/06/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555557219 Vessel traffic |
25/06/2021 |
Anthracene: stations above/below LOQ/LOD |
24/06/2021 |
Anthracene: stations below LOQ/LOD |
24/06/2021 |
Weekly eastward sea water velocity (uo) |
23/06/2021 |
Anthracene: stations above LOQ/LOD |
23/06/2021 |
Daily sea water potential temperature forecast at sea floor |
22/06/2021 |
Daily mole concentration forecast of nitrate in sea water |
21/06/2021 |
Daily surface partial pressure forecast of carbon dioxide in sea water |
21/06/2021 |
Daily sea water ph forecast reported on total scale |
21/06/2021 |
Daily net primary production forecast of biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume in sea water |
21/06/2021 |
Daily mole concentration forecast of silicate in sea water |
21/06/2021 |
Daily mole concentration forecast of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water |
21/06/2021 |
Daily mole concentration forecast of phosphate in sea water |
21/06/2021 |
Daily mole concentration forecast of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water |
21/06/2021 |
Daily mole concentration forecast of dissolved iron in sea water |
21/06/2021 |
Daily mass concentration forecast of chlorophyll-a in sea water |
21/06/2021 |
Daily volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
20/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface foundation temperature (SST) |
20/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave period forecast at variance spectral density maximum |
20/06/2021 |
Seabed Substrate |
15/06/2021 |
Global Runoff Data Center collection of the European river gauging station |
14/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (maximum) |
13/06/2021 |
Monthly wind speed |
12/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
12/06/2021 |
Daily atmosphere relative vorticity |
12/06/2021 |
Daily atmosphere relative vorticity |
12/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
12/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
12/06/2021 |
Monthly wind speed |
12/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
12/06/2021 |
Monthly wind speed |
12/06/2021 |
Daily wind speed |
11/06/2021 |
Monthly wind speed |
11/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave mean period forecast from variance spectral density inverse frequency moment |
11/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height |
11/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height (maximum) |
11/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface wave significant height (standard deviation) |
11/06/2021 |
Monthly wind speed |
11/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (standard deviation) |
10/06/2021 |
Daily wind speed |
10/06/2021 |
Daily wind speed |
10/06/2021 |
Daily wind speed |
10/06/2021 |
Daily wind speed |
10/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface foundation temperature (SST) |
10/06/2021 |
Daily sea ice fraction |
10/06/2021 |
Daily sea ice fraction |
10/06/2021 |
Daily sea surface foundation temperature (SST) |
10/06/2021 |
Sea surfaces wave significant height (daily mean) |
10/06/2021 |
Sea surfaces wave significant height (daily mean) |
10/06/2021 |
wind |
10/06/2021 |
Monthly primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon |
09/06/2021 |
Daily mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of prokaryotes expressed as chlorophyll in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of picophytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of nanophytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of microphytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of haptophytes expressed as chlorophyll in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of green algae expressed as chlorophyll in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of dinophytes expressed as chlorophyll in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of diatom expressed as chlorophyll in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to particles (Bbp443) |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly mass concentration of suspended matter in sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter and non algal particles (Cdm443) |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly surface ratio of upwelling radiance emerging from sea water to downwelling radiative flux in air (Rrs555) |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly surface ratio of upwelling radiance emerging from sea water to downwelling radiative flux in air (Rrs443) |
09/06/2021 |
Daily volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water (Kd490) |
09/06/2021 |
Daily secchi depth of sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Monthly secchi depth of sea water |
09/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
07/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
07/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
07/06/2021 |
Wind |
07/06/2021 |
Vertical component of surface downward stress curl |
06/06/2021 |
Surface downward northward stress |
06/06/2021 |
Surface downward eastward stress |
06/06/2021 |
Northward wind |
06/06/2021 |
Magnitude of surface downward stress |
06/06/2021 |
Eastward wind |
06/06/2021 |
Divergence of wind |
06/06/2021 |
Divergence of surface downward stress |
06/06/2021 |
Atmosphere relative vorticity |
06/06/2021 |
Wind speed |
06/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (maximum) |
06/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (maximum) |
06/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (standard deviation) |
06/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
06/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
06/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
06/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (maximum) |
06/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (maximum) |
06/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (maximum) |
06/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (maximum) |
06/06/2021 |
Daily sea water velocity |
05/06/2021 |
Daily northward sea water velocity |
05/06/2021 |
Daily eastward sea water velocity |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density inverse frequency moment |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density second frequency moment |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave period at variance spectral density maximum |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave from direction |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave from direction at variance spectral density maximum |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave stokes drift x velocity |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wind wave significant height |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave stokes drift y velocity |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wind wave from direction |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface primary swell wave significant height |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface primary swell wave mean period |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface primary swell wave from direction |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface secondary swell wave significant height |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface secondary swell wave from direction |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density inverse frequency moment |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (maximum) |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (standard deviation) |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surfaces wave significant height (daily mean) |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
05/06/2021 |
Sea surface secondary swell wave mean period |
04/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
04/06/2021 |
Sea surface wind wave significant height |
03/06/2021 |
Sea surface wind wave significant height |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface wind wave from direction |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave stokes drift y velocity |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave stokes drift x velocity |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave period at variance spectral density maximum |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density second frequency moment |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density inverse frequency moment |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave from direction at variance spectral density maximum |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave from direction |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface secondary swell wave significant height |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface secondary swell wave mean period |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface secondary swell wave from direction |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface primary swell wave significant height |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface primary swell wave mean period |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface primary swell wave from direction |
02/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (standard deviation) |
01/06/2021 |
Sea surfaces wave significant height (daily mean) |
01/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height (maximum) |
01/06/2021 |
Sea surface wave significant height |
01/06/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
31/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
31/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
31/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
31/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
31/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
31/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
31/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
31/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
31/05/2021 |
Drifting Buoys - Trajectory observation |
31/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
31/05/2021 |
Daily Chl-a, Mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
29/05/2021 |
Drifting Buoys - Trajectory observation |
29/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
29/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
29/05/2021 |
Daily Chl-a, Mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
29/05/2021 |
Daily Chl-a, Mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
29/05/2021 |
Kd490, Volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water |
29/05/2021 |
Kd490, Volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water |
29/05/2021 |
Cdm443, Volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter and non algal particles |
29/05/2021 |
Bbp443, Volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to particles |
29/05/2021 |
Kd490, Volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water |
29/05/2021 |
Cdm443, Volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter and non algal particles |
29/05/2021 |
Cdm443, Volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter and non algal particles |
29/05/2021 |
Kd490, Volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water |
29/05/2021 |
Kd490, Volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water |
29/05/2021 |
Drifting Buoys - Trajectory observation |
28/05/2021 |
Sea Surface Temperature |
28/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
28/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
27/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
27/05/2021 |
Human activities |
27/05/2021 |
Eastward sea water velocity |
26/05/2021 |
Eastward sea water velocity |
26/05/2021 |
Human activities |
26/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
26/05/2021 |
Human activities |
26/05/2021 |
Human activities |
26/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
25/05/2021 |
wind |
25/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
24/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
24/05/2021 |
sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
24/05/2021 |
Cdm443, Volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter and non algal particles |
23/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525933 Vessel traffic |
20/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539439 Vessel traffic |
20/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525848 Vessel traffic |
20/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526886 Vessel traffic |
20/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539392 Vessel traffic |
20/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526140 Vessel traffic |
19/05/2021 |
Absolute Sea Level Trends - MultiPointObservation - based on SONEL DB |
18/05/2021 |
Absolute Sea Level Trends - MultiPointObservation - based on SONEL DB |
18/05/2021 |
Sea Surface Temperature |
18/05/2021 |
Platforms collecting Water Acoustic Pollution/Noise (Sound Pressure Level) - Coordinates |
18/05/2021 |
Coastal migration via satellite data |
17/05/2021 |
Wind Farms (Points) |
16/05/2021 |
Drifting buoys |
14/05/2021 |
Vessel activities (AIS) |
11/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539775 Vessel traffic |
11/05/2021 |
Chl-a, Mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
10/05/2021 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
10/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539441 Vessel traffic |
10/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539441 Vessel traffic |
08/05/2021 |
Biophysical environment |
07/05/2021 |
Biophysical environment |
07/05/2021 |
Vessel activities (AIS) |
07/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539392 Vessel traffic |
06/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526140 Vessel traffic |
06/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555635587 Vessel traffic |
05/05/2021 |
Sea surface height above geoid |
04/05/2021 |
Ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma theta |
04/05/2021 |
Northward sea water velocity |
04/05/2021 |
Eastward sea water velocity |
04/05/2021 |
Daily sea water velocity |
04/05/2021 |
Daily sea water salinity |
04/05/2021 |
Daily sea water potential temperature |
04/05/2021 |
Global Ocean Wind L4 Near real Time 6 hourly Observations |
04/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526145 Vessel traffic |
03/05/2021 |
Chl-a, Mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
02/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 137530 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 137530 |
01/05/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555624888 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555624888 |
30/04/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 72320 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 72320 |
30/04/2021 |
Vessel activities (AIS) |
30/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Unknown) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Tug and Towing) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Tanker) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Service) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Sailing) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Pleasure Craft) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Passenger) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Other) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Military and Law Enforcement) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Dredging or Underwater ops) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Cargo) |
29/04/2021 |
Vessel density (All) |
29/04/2021 |
Submarine Volcanoes Polygons (250k) |
28/04/2021 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
23/04/2021 |
Vessel activities (AIS) |
21/04/2021 |
Seabed substrate (multiscale) |
21/04/2021 |
Submarine Landslides Polygons (250k) |
21/04/2021 |
Sea-floor Pre-Quaternary Bedrock Geology |
21/04/2021 |
Sea-floor Geology |
21/04/2021 |
Seabed Substrate |
21/04/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526145 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555526145 |
20/04/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526145 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555526145 |
20/04/2021 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
20/04/2021 |
Daily sea water salinity |
20/04/2021 |
Daily sea water velocity |
20/04/2021 |
Daily sea water potential temperature |
20/04/2021 |
Daily sea water salinity |
20/04/2021 |
Kd490, Volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water |
10/04/2021 |
State of Bathing Waters |
08/04/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555527653 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555527653 |
02/04/2021 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
27/03/2021 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
27/03/2021 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
27/03/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates [[SLEV] [water_surface_height_above_reference_datum] [observed sea level]] |
26/03/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates |
26/03/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates |
26/03/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates |
26/03/2021 |
Coastal migration from Field Data |
26/03/2021 |
Coastal migration via satellite data |
26/03/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539546 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555539546 |
25/03/2021 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
21/03/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555547183 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555547183 |
19/03/2021 |
Arctic - Relative humidity |
19/03/2021 |
Arctic - Air temperature |
19/03/2021 |
Arctic - Wind speed of gust |
19/03/2021 |
Arctic environmental conditions |
19/03/2021 |
Sea ice velocity |
19/03/2021 |
Sea ice area fraction |
19/03/2021 |
Sea ice thickness |
19/03/2021 |
Marine life |
17/03/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
16/03/2021 |
Platforms collecting Temperature in the water column |
13/03/2021 |
Platforms collecting Temperature in the water column |
13/03/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555643632 |
12/03/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555643632 |
12/03/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555643632 |
12/03/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555643632 |
12/03/2021 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
11/03/2021 |
European Impulsive Noise Events Registry |
10/03/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates |
08/03/2021 |
Profiling platforms |
02/03/2021 |
Seabed Litter - Material categories percentage per year |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Composition of litter according to material categories in percent - Official monitoring |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Material categories percentage per year - Other sources |
18/02/2021 |
Seabed litter - Density (Nb. Items/km2) |
18/02/2021 |
Seabed litter - Fishing related items density (Nb. Items/km2) |
18/02/2021 |
Seabed litter - Plastic bags density (Nb. Items/km2) |
18/02/2021 |
Seabed litter - Density (Nb. Items/km2) |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Total abundance items per 100m |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Fishing related items per 100m |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean total number of litter items per 100m |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Fishing related items per 100m |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
18/02/2021 |
Beach Litter - Material categories percentage per year - Other sources |
17/02/2021 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
16/02/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526179 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555526179 |
16/02/2021 |
Biophysical environment |
10/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level (SLEV) |
09/02/2021 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
08/02/2021 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
07/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates |
04/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level (SLEV) |
04/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates |
04/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates |
03/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates |
03/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting Temperature in the water column |
03/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting SLEV |
03/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates |
03/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting Temperature in the water column |
02/02/2021 |
Platforms collecting SLEV |
02/02/2021 |
Vessel density (All) |
28/01/2021 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
28/01/2021 |
Vessel activities (AIS) |
27/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 9617 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 9617 |
27/01/2021 |
Spirulina |
27/01/2021 |
Microalgae |
27/01/2021 |
Macroalgae (seaweeds) |
27/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555586734 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555586734 |
27/01/2021 |
Seabed Litter - Material categories percentage per year |
25/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555514087 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555514087 |
25/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 315079 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 315079 |
22/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555586741 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555586741 |
22/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555586804 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555586804 |
22/01/2021 |
MSFD id: MWE-FR-MS-MO-LARGE Biophysical environmental classification |
22/01/2021 |
MSFD id: ANS-FR-MS-MMN-SEINE Biophysical environmental classification |
22/01/2021 |
MSFD id: MWE-FR-MS-MO-LARGE Biophysical environmental classification |
21/01/2021 |
MSFD id: MWE-FR-MS-MO-PACA Biophysical environmental classification |
21/01/2021 |
MSFD id: ABI-FR-MS-GDG-SUD-L200 Chl-a Time series |
20/01/2021 |
Vessel activities (AIS) |
19/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Chl-a Time series |
19/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 SST Time series |
19/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Monthly Obs: 2020-09 |
19/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Terrain model |
19/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 MPA bulletin |
Marine protected area id: 555643632 |
19/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Chl-a Time series |
18/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525933 SST Time series |
18/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555597299 SST Time series |
18/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Monthly Obs: 2017-10 |
17/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Monthly Obs: 2018-9 |
17/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Monthly Obs: 2016-12 |
17/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 |
16/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 |
16/01/2021 |
Vessel density (All) |
16/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 Terrain model |
16/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555643632 |
Marine protected area id: 555643632 |
16/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555597299 |
Marine protected area id: 555597299 |
15/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526886 |
Marine protected area id: 555526886 |
15/01/2021 |
Coastal migration via satellite data |
13/01/2021 |
Coastal migration via satellite data |
13/01/2021 |
Coastal migration via satellite data |
13/01/2021 |
Coastal migration via satellite data |
13/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525850 |
12/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525804 |
12/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555525850 |
12/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539373 |
12/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526886 |
Marine protected area id: 555526886 |
12/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 166939 |
Marine protected area id: 166939 |
07/01/2021 |
MPA wdpa id: 313401 |
Marine protected area id: 313401 |
07/01/2021 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
18/12/2020 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
18/12/2020 |
GEBCO Bathymetry |
18/12/2020 |
Vessel density (All) |
09/12/2020 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
09/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 4044 |
Marine protected area id: 4044 |
09/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 4044 |
Marine protected area id: 4044 |
08/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 4044 |
Marine protected area id: 4044 |
08/12/2020 |
Platforms collecting Sea Currents - Coordinates |
04/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555587000 |
Marine protected area id: 555587000 |
01/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555556909 |
Marine protected area id: 555556909 |
01/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555586999 |
Marine protected area id: 555586999 |
01/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555626112 |
Marine protected area id: 555626112 |
01/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555586999 |
Marine protected area id: 555586999 |
01/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555586891 |
Marine protected area id: 555586891 |
01/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555626112 |
Marine protected area id: 555626112 |
01/12/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555586742 |
Marine protected area id: 555586742 |
30/11/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 352749 |
Marine protected area id: 352749 |
30/11/2020 |
Biological classification |
30/11/2020 |
Marine life |
30/11/2020 |
Vessel activities (AIS) |
29/11/2020 |
Vessel activities (AIS) |
29/11/2020 |
Biophysical environment |
29/11/2020 |
Biophysical environment |
29/11/2020 |
Human activities |
27/11/2020 |
Dredge Spoil Dumping (Polygons) |
27/11/2020 |
Dumped Munitions (Polygons) |
27/11/2020 |
Ocean Energy - Test Sites |
27/11/2020 |
Human activities |
26/11/2020 |
Human activities |
26/11/2020 |
Vessel density (Passenger) |
26/11/2020 |
Vessel density (Military and Law Enforcement) |
26/11/2020 |
Vessel density (High Speed Craft) |
26/11/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555526877 |
Marine protected area id: 555526877 |
26/11/2020 |
Vessel density (Dredging or Underwater ops) |
26/11/2020 |
Vessel density (Cargo) |
26/11/2020 |
Vessel density (Unknown) |
26/11/2020 |
Human activities |
26/11/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 345995 |
Marine protected area id: 345995 |
25/11/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539270 |
Marine protected area id: 555539270 |
25/11/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539271 |
Marine protected area id: 555539271 |
25/11/2020 |
Biophysical environment |
25/11/2020 |
Chl-a, Mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
25/11/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555539271 |
Marine protected area id: 555539271 |
25/11/2020 |
Platforms in the Mediterranean Sea - Coordinates |
25/11/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555536868 |
Marine protected area id: 555536868 |
23/11/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555547768 |
Marine protected area id: 555547768 |
23/11/2020 |
MPA wdpa id: 555536868 |
Marine protected area id: 555536868 |
23/11/2020 |
555597299 |
Marine protected area id: 555597299 |
22/11/2020 |
Vlaamse Banken |
Marine protected area id: 555536868 |
22/11/2020 |
Platforms in the Mediterranean Sea - Coordinates |
22/11/2020 |
Ridens et Dunes Hydrauliques du Detroit du Pas-de-Calais |
Marine protected area id: 555525932 |
21/11/2020 |
Armorique |
Marine protected area id: 6295 |
20/11/2020 |
Armorique |
Marine protected area id: 6295 |
20/11/2020 |
Armorique |
Marine protected area id: 6295 |
20/11/2020 |
Armorique |
Marine protected area id: 6295 |
17/11/2020 |
Baie de Seine occidentale |
Marine protected area id: 555539270 |
17/11/2020 |
Baie de Seine occidentale |
Marine protected area id: 555539270 |
17/11/2020 |
Baie de Seine occidentale |
Marine protected area id: 555539270 |
17/11/2020 |
Baie de Seine occidentale |
Marine protected area id: 555539270 |
17/11/2020 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
12/11/2020 |
Vessel density (All) |
08/11/2020 |
Vessel density (High Speed Craft) |
07/11/2020 |
Beach Litter - Material categories percentage per year - Other sources |
28/10/2020 |
Beach Litter - Composition of litter according to material categories in percent - Official monitoring |
28/10/2020 |
Beach Litter - Material categories percentage per year - Other sources |
28/10/2020 |
Seabed Litter - Material categories percentage per year |
25/10/2020 |
Bathymetry (Source references) |
25/10/2020 |
Bathymetry (Source references) |
25/10/2020 |
Bathymetry (Mean depth) |
23/10/2020 |
Global Ocean Wind L4 Near real Time 6 hourly Observations |
22/10/2020 |
Vessel density (All) |
16/10/2020 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
16/10/2020 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
16/10/2020 |
Chl-a, Mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
14/10/2020 |
Vessel density (All) |
12/10/2020 |
24/09/2020 |
Vessel density (All) |
19/09/2020 |
Vessel density (All) |
16/09/2020 |
Sea Surface Temperature gradients (MODIS-T) |
16/09/2020 |
Vessel density (All) |
15/09/2020 |
Mean depth |
14/09/2020 |
Vessel density (All) |
12/09/2020 |
Telecommunication Cables (schematic routes) |
11/09/2020 |
Wind Farms (Polygons) |
11/09/2020 |
Aggregate Extraction Areas |
11/09/2020 |
Active Licences |
11/09/2020 |
Natura 2000 |
11/09/2020 |
SIGCables Submarine Cables Routes |
11/09/2020 |
Submarine Volcanoes Lines (100k) |
11/09/2020 |
Submarine Volcanoes Lines (250k) |
11/09/2020 |
Quaternary Tectonics Lines (100k) |
11/09/2020 |
Quaternary Tectonics Lines (250k) |
11/09/2020 |
Submarine Landslides Lines (100k) |
10/09/2020 |
Submarine Landslides Lines (250k) |
10/09/2020 |
Sea-floor Pre-quaternary Faults |
10/09/2020 |
Global Runoff Data Center collection of the European river gauging station |
10/09/2020 |
Collection of the GNSS stations in the SONEL DB |
10/09/2020 |
JERICONext project platforms |
10/09/2020 |
Absolute Sea Level Trends |
10/09/2020 |
River Runoff variability |
10/09/2020 |
Global Sea Level Anomalies |
10/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting WIND data |
10/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Wave parameters |
10/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Temperature in the water column |
10/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting SLEV |
10/09/2020 |
River gauging stations |
10/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Optical data |
10/09/2020 |
Mooring |
07/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Light Attenuation |
07/09/2020 |
High Frequency Radars |
07/09/2020 |
High Frequency Radars |
07/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting water currents |
07/09/2020 |
Seabed litter - Plastic bags density (Nb. Items/km2) |
05/09/2020 |
Seabed litter - Fishing related items density (Nb. Items/km2) |
05/09/2020 |
Seabed litter - Density (Nb. Items/km2) |
05/09/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
05/09/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Total abundance items per 100m |
05/09/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
05/09/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Fishing related items per 100m |
05/09/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
05/09/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
05/09/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean total number of litter items per 100m |
05/09/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Fishing related items per 100m |
05/09/2020 |
Seabed litter - Plastic bags density (Nb. Items/km2) |
05/09/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
05/09/2020 |
Gliders |
04/09/2020 |
FerryBox systems |
04/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting BioGeoChemical parameters |
04/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting atmospheric and meteorological data at sea level |
04/09/2020 |
ARGO buoys |
04/09/2020 |
Profiling platforms |
04/09/2020 |
Absolute Sea Level Anomalies - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation - based on SONEL DB |
03/09/2020 |
Gliders - Trajectories |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Wind parameters at ground/sea level - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Wave Parameters - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Temperature in the Water Column - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
River Runoff Trends - MultiPointTimeSeriesObservation - based on GRDC DB |
03/09/2020 |
River Gauging Stations - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Optical data in the Water Column - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Light Attenuation - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Sea Currents - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting BioGeoChemical parameters - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Atmospheric and Meterological Data at ground/sea level - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Mooring Buoys - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
HF Radars - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
FerryBox - TrajectoryObservation |
03/09/2020 |
Drifting Buoys - Trajectory observation |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Profiles in the water column - Trajectories |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms in the Mediterranean Sea - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms of JERICO projects - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Near real time platforms - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms in the Black Sea - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms in the Black Sea - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Global Runoff Data Center (GRDC) River Gauging Stations - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
Absolute Sea Level Trends - MultiPointObservation - based on SONEL DB |
03/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Water Acoustic Pollution/Noise (Sound Pressure Level) - Coordinates |
03/09/2020 |
ARGO buoys - Trajectory observation |
02/09/2020 |
Platforms collecting Sea Level - Coordinates |
02/09/2020 |
Aggregate Extraction |
02/09/2020 |
Dredge Spoil Dumping (Points) |
02/09/2020 |
Dredging |
02/09/2020 |
Wind Farms (Points) |
02/09/2020 |
Waste at Ports (tonnes) |
02/09/2020 |
Waste at Ports (m3) |
02/09/2020 |
Treatment Plants |
02/09/2020 |
Main Ports (Vessels Traffic) |
02/09/2020 |
Main Ports (Passengers Traffic) |
02/09/2020 |
Main Ports (Locations Only) |
02/09/2020 |
Main Ports (Goods Traffic) |
02/09/2020 |
Offshore Installations |
02/09/2020 |
Ocean Energy - Project Locations |
02/09/2020 |
Nuclear Power Plants |
02/09/2020 |
Dumped Munitions (Points) |
02/09/2020 |
Microalgae |
02/09/2020 |
Macroalgae (seaweeds) |
02/09/2020 |
Lighthouses |
02/09/2020 |
Boreholes |
02/09/2020 |
Freshwater Production |
02/09/2020 |
State of Bathing Waters |
02/09/2020 |
First Sales of Fish |
02/09/2020 |
Finfish Production |
02/09/2020 |
Shellfish Production |
02/09/2020 |
Discharge Points |
02/09/2020 |
European Impulsive Noise Events Registry - Grid series observation |
01/09/2020 |
Impulsive Noise events Registry Pulse Days - Grid series observation |
01/09/2020 |
Impulsive Noise events Registry Values Codes - Grid series observation |
01/09/2020 |
Global relative Sea Level Trends Regions |
01/09/2020 |
Impulsive Noise events Registry Values Codes |
01/09/2020 |
Impulsive Noise events Registry Pulse Days |
01/09/2020 |
European Impulsive Noise Events Registry |
01/09/2020 |
Rock Peg Vein |
01/09/2020 |
Metal Rich Sediments |
01/09/2020 |
Marine Sapropel |
01/09/2020 |
Polymetallic Nodules |
01/09/2020 |
Phosphorites |
01/09/2020 |
Marine Placers |
01/09/2020 |
Marine Hydrocarbons |
01/09/2020 |
Gas Hydrates |
01/09/2020 |
Evaporites |
01/09/2020 |
Cobalt rich ferromanganese crusts |
01/09/2020 |
Aggregates |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Volcanoes Polygons (100k) |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Volcanoes Polygons (250k) |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Fluid Emissions Polygons (100k) |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Fluid Emissions Polygons (250k) |
01/09/2020 |
Aggregates (points) |
01/09/2020 |
Polymetallic Sulphides |
01/09/2020 |
Evaporites (points) |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Volcanoes Points (100k) |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Volcanoes Points (100k) |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Volcanoes Points (250k) |
01/09/2020 |
Tsunamis Affected Coast Points (100k) |
01/09/2020 |
Tsunamis Origin Points (250k) |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Fluid Emissions Points (100k) |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Landslides Points (100k) |
01/09/2020 |
Data indexes |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Landslides Polygons (100k) |
01/09/2020 |
Submarine Earthquakes Points (100k) |
31/08/2020 |
Tsunamis Affected Coast Points (250k) |
31/08/2020 |
Submarine Landslides Points (250k) |
31/08/2020 |
Submarine Fluid Emissions Points (250k) |
31/08/2020 |
Coastal migration via satellite data |
31/08/2020 |
Seabed Accumulation Rates |
31/08/2020 |
Sea-floor Pre-quaternary Faults |
31/08/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
24/07/2020 |
Essential Ocean Variables - Macroalgae Canopy |
13/07/2020 |
Essential Ocean Variables - Seagrass Cover |
13/07/2020 |
Essential Ocean Variables - Live Coral |
13/07/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
09/07/2020 |
Sea Surface Temperature gradients (MODIS-T) |
09/07/2020 |
Seabed litter - Plastic bags density (Nb. Items/km2) |
30/06/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
30/06/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Plastic bags related items per 100m |
30/06/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Fishing related items per 100m |
29/06/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Fishing related items per 100m |
29/06/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
29/06/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
29/06/2020 |
Beach Litter - Mean number of Cigarette related items per 100m |
29/06/2020 |
Discharge Points |
27/06/2020 |
Global Ocean Wind L4 Near real Time 6 hourly Observations |
27/06/2020 |
Bbp443, Volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to particles |
25/06/2020 |
Global Ocean Wind L4 Near real Time 6 hourly Observations |
25/06/2020 |
Aggregate Extraction Areas |
18/06/2020 |
Kd490, Volume attenuation coefficient of downwelling radiative flux in sea water |
16/06/2020 |
Chl-a, Mass concentration of chlorophyll a in sea water |
15/06/2020 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
15/06/2020 |
Vessel density (Tanker) |
15/06/2020 |
Mean depth |
15/06/2020 |
Discharge Points |
15/06/2020 |
Cdm443, Volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter and non algal particles |
15/06/2020 |
Bbp443, Volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to particles |
15/06/2020 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
15/06/2020 |
Global Ocean Wind L4 Near real Time 6 hourly Observations |
15/06/2020 |
Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS-T) |
12/06/2020 |
Mean depth |
05/06/2020 |
Sea surface temperature |
04/06/2020 |
Sea surface temperature |
04/06/2020 |
Discharge Points |
03/06/2020 |
Sea surface temperature |
03/06/2020 |
Sea surface temperature |
13/05/2020 |
Vessel density (Fishing) |
08/05/2020 |